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Time out and crumpets

quick delights for anytime

Time away for our family has always included breakfast rituals, probably as a result of having more ‘exhalation time’… this crumpet recipe is soo quick and easy to whip up…even when an enthusiastic 7 year old helps to separate the eggs and mostly succeeds, resulting in much less whiskable whites….even when you don’t have scales and judge your measurements with a moreorless accurate eye….a good non stick pan is great to have and would ensure excellent results, both in the lovely caramel colour of the crumpets and the ease of flipping. Our home for the weekend happened to have the most fabulous non-stick pan ( woolies copper range)… a lovely addition to any kitchen! I have been know to take along my reliable electric frying pan which can make at least 12 at a time.

For over the top fabulousness, fry up some apples in a little sugar and butter and if you feel like it …make some flavoured pecan butter…recipe below